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October 6, 2024

Sonoma Film Institute Screening: Oblivion

Movie theater with screen and chairs

Darwin 102
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

The Sonoma Film Institute (SFI), located on the Sonoma State University campus, is the oldest film repertory organization in the North Bay Area. Since 1973, SFI has unspooled enough celluloid to reach the next galaxy. SFI screenings — ranging from silent cinema to the avant-garde, from contemporary American fare to films from the developing world — expand the educational opportunities to students, as well as provide cultural benefits to the campus and surrounding community.

The late, great documentarian Heddy Honigmann, a citizen of the Netherlands, was born in Peru, and there she returned for this typically quirky, deeply humanist exploration of everyday resilience and resignation. “For Honigmann, Lima is “the forgotten city,” though its citizens live in the shadow of the presidential palace. If presidents and dictators in endless parades have forgotten about the citizens of Lima, the citizens have not forgotten about them. In fact, if you want a concise history of the “scandals, dirty wars, and towering inflation” of the last few decades, just ask a bartender, a waiter, or a leather craftsman. All recall to the ever-approachable Honigmann how they have created their own reality to survive an economy in ruins. What is revealed in their faces and their wisdom is, in the words of a poet, “a deep, unexpected tenderness: the paradox of the beast.” Take note, ye newly depressed Americans: this is something as serviceable as the social contract. From the youngsters doing backflips in the street for coins to the waiter who sagely admits, “I'm a clown,” survival is a performance. For all the good it does these average Peruvians, having their eyes wide open is a point of pride. But if realism is good, magical realism is better-the sort that allows you to juggle glass balls in the air in the middle of a crowded intersection, and call it progress.” – Judy Bloch, San Francisco International Film Festival. (2008, 93 min., in Spanish w/ English subtitles).

Watch the Oblivion trailer on Youtube.

Admission is free, but a suggested $5 donation is appreciated.

For more information, please visit the Sonoma Film Institute website. 

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